Reaching your consumers with multi-channel marketing can be a wild goose chase. But here’s what the golden goose of content marketing is: thought leadership. With over 300 million people going to Quora monthly, the platform is a great place for you to start building brand authority with thought leadership. Incorporating Quora in your content marketing strategy can build your brand’s reputation, open conversations with decision-makers, and build their trust.
Wait, content marketing on Quora? Hear us out.
Quora’s a place where just about anyone can ask questions about anything they can think of. Questions can range from product recommendations to life advice. The platform also has a social media facet that allows users to follow other people and topics that interest them.
Quora users can also interact with others by upvoting answers, and even request specific people to answer their questions.
This means that the platform allows your brand to cut to the chase to answer your consumers’ questions, while demonstrating your industry expertise.
Here’s what all of that means for your brand.
Learn more about your target audience
Whether you’re targeting a general or a niche audience, there’s only so much in the form of targeting and market research that you can do on Facebook and Instagram. Quora’s an inexpensive way to learn more about your target audience.
For instance, if you’re planning to use content marketing to promote phone accessories, you can tap on Quora to identify the audience you should target.
Learn more about other social media platforms you can tap on besides Facebook and Instagram here.
Engage your target audience better
A simple search on Quora can help you understand how people naturally search for the things they’re interested in.
Apart from giving you insights on the keywords to target, you’ll also be able to tailor your content toward what exactly your consumers want to see. This means that you can understand their needs and pain points and craft a marketing plan that’s far more strategic and effective.
Not to mention that Quora’s most native feature—its question section—is used by real people and real consumers! You get to build direct connections with your target audience when you provide valuable answers to their questions.
Drive higher, better traffic to your website
Quora allows you the opportunity to promote your website, blog, or content in your answers and your profile bio. If you do this in a manner that isn’t too overt, Quora can drive genuine, high-quality traffic to your website.
By providing good answers, people will be interested to visit your website. Naturally, traffic from them will also result in low bounce rates and higher conversions, whether it’s sales or sign-ups for your email lists!
Another advantage of using Quora as part of your content marketing strategy is that Quora answers show up on Google search result pages. The content on Quora can also be evergreen, so the solutions you provide may stay relevant for years to come and give you higher visibility on Google.
Learn more about how you can optimise your content to rank on Google here.
Boost your industry authority and credibility
Answer questions on Quora truthfully and helpfully, and you’ll inadvertently showcase your market niche and knowledge to your target audience.
Demonstrating your credibility on Quora regularly will also contribute to your position as a market expert whom people can reliably turn to for answers.
How to use Quora for content marketing
Compared to many of the other channels you might be using for content marketing, Quora is relatively straightforward. Here’s how you can incorporate Quora into your content marketing strategy.
Create and optimise your profile
Don’t just create your Quora profile and leave it as that. To win over your audience, make sure you include your credentials such as your job title, website, company, and any other information that may help you to convey your expertise.
You should also upload other details such as a profile picture to foster greater trust. Complete the optimisation process by adding “Knows About” topics that signify your specialties on Quora.
Search for questions that are relevant to your business/industry

Image credit: Smart Insights
Get started on Quora by finding topics that are relevant to you and subscribe to them. You can
do this by using the search bar to look up for keywords.Then, choose them from a list of topics that show up on the left-hand side of the screen.
Once you subscribe to a single topic, you’ll also receive suggestions on related topics that you can join.
Topics with larger numbers of followers and more active members will allow you to answer questions at a higher frequency, with a larger potential reach.
This means that more people will see your answers and gain knowledge from them. This also means that you may receive a larger number of upvotes, increasing the chances of your content remaining immortalised as a top answer in search engines.
Don’t go for too popular questions
Popularity and big numbers don’t always mean good results. Be sure to pick questions that don’t already have too many answers, or your answers will likely never be seen.
Answering topics with a very large following all the time may also mean that you’re diluting your niche. If you have a specific niche, make sure to look for related topics and contribute to them even though they may have a smaller following.
For instance, if you’re a maker of wooden chairs, you’d probably be able to better engage your customers by giving recommendations about wooden chairs. People are also more likely to find more credibility in your answers the more they come across your Quora profile.
Go for recent questions
When answering questions, make sure to pick questions that have been posted recently. This will ensure that you’re amongst the first few to answer, increasing your chances of getting more views before it gets drowned out by a flurry of other answers!
Answering questions consistently is also key to making sure that audiences recognise you.
Start engaging and make Quora part of your content marketing strategy
Sounds easy? The reality of answering questions on Quora is a little more nuanced than that.
When you’re answering questions on Quora, always remember that you’re speaking to other humans. Being honest and giving answers that are relevant to the question will do you a lot more good than blatant self-promotion.
You also want to make sure that you sound like a person, instead of a business or a brand, so that you appear more approachable to your audience.
And while you should try to avoid self-promotion where it isn’t relevant, be sure to flaunt your credibility and expertise when providing solutions! You can also include references to your answers by linking other sources that provide real value to your answers.
Develop a strong online personality to pair with your industry knowledge, and you’re sure to garner popularity in no time.
Don’t use too many links
One key thing to take note of is to avoid excessive linking. Linking content that isn’t completely relevant will only result in the suspension of your account.
Quora’s platform having real, discerning audiences also means that they’ll sniff out self-promotion with hound’s noses.
Excessive linking may reflect on your intentions as ingenuine. Instead, make sure to only use links that are extremely relevant and from trustworthy sources.
To quickly summarise what we’ve just shared, here’s a table with the do’s and don’ts of marketing on Quora.
Do’s | Don’ts |
– Add credentials to your profile. – Learn about your target audience. – Engage with your target audience by giving honest and helpful answers. – Flaunt your knowledge and credibility. – Participate consistently. – Prioritise questions and answers within your niche. – Answer more recent questions. – Have a personal voice. | – Provide answers that are stolen or overly self-promotional. – Answer questions that are outside of your niche. – Provide answers with facts that you cannot back up. Instead, provide references (including your own website) that people can refer to. – Answer questions that are old or overpopulated. – Adopt a business persona. Instead, be personable. – Use links excessively. Instead, you should only use relevant and trustworthy links. |
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